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Samuel Pepys
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Fleet Marriages.
The Cries of London

A choirboy from Worcester Cathedral was sent to London to audition for Mr Handel who was well known as a good judge of voice. The Boy sang. "Is this how you praise God in Worcester"?, Handel asked. "Yes Mr Handel", replied the boy. "God is Good", Handel replied, "and no doubt he will hear your praises in Worcester, but no man will hear them in London

-- George Frederik Handel

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Category: Start / Victorian London
Our most detailed records of the city started in that glorious reign. These links cover the details and are especially good for hunting down genealogical nuggets.

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Victorian and Edwardian Maps and Guidebooks 
Description: Anyone wishing to visit Victorian Britain but lacks the services of a time machine should explore the excellent quality maps and guidebooks published by Old House Books.
Added on: 02-Dec-2003 hits: 158 | Report broken link

Victorian London A-Z  Popular
Description: An A-Z Street Index of Victorian London with more than 61,000 references! Excellent for browsing.
Added on: 21-Jun-2002 hits: 1314 | Report broken link

Victorian London Cemeteries  Popular
Description: A complete list of the locations of principal Victorian London cemeteries (of all denominations) with the date of the first register in each.
Added on: 21-Jun-2002 hits: 1168 | Report broken link

Victorian London Churches  Popular
Description: A list of the various denominational churches and chapels to be found in Victorian London. There are some errors in dates and minor details. Compare with our Medieval Parish Churches series. (Also, see if you can spot the amusing typo in its Home Page)
Added on: 21-Jun-2002 hits: 882 | Report broken link

Victorian London Lodging Houses  Popular
Description: A list of the Lodging Houses to be found in Victorian London – arranged according to the Police Divisions of the Metropolis. Lodging Houses were under direct police supervision and control.
Added on: 21-Jun-2002 hits: 903 | Report broken link

Victorian London Police Divisions  Popular
Description: A list of the various Police Divisions of the Metropolis in 1888 with details of the number of officers in each rank. There is also information on the Railway Police Force and the Port of London Police Force.
Added on: 21-Jun-2002 hits: 1118 | Report broken link

Victorian London Public Houses  Popular
Description: The Taverns, Inns and Public Houses of Victorian London. Phase One lists the establishments identified in the enumeration districts 22-29 of the 1881 Census which are all south of the River Thames.
Added on: 21-Jun-2002 hits: 1169 | Report broken link

Victorian London Public Institutions  Popular
Description: A list of the Workhouses, Hospitals, Lunatic Asylums, Prisons, Barracks, Orphan Asylums, Convents, and other Principal Charitable Institutions in Victorian London.
Added on: 21-Jun-2002 hits: 1205 | Report broken link

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