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Samuel Pepys
Elizabeth I
London's Underworld
Fleet Marriages.
The Cries of London

If you stand in Lombard Street at any time of the day, for example, that narrow thoroughfare like others in the vicinity echoes to hurrying footfalls. It has been a continuous sound for many hundreds of years, in the very centre of the City, and it may be that the perpetual steady echo of passing footsteps is the true sound of London in its transience and in its permanence.

-- Peter Ackroyd, 2000

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Speakers of the House of Commons
Posted by Bill McCann on (754 Reads)
The Speaker of the House of Commons is one of the most important officials in the English Constitution. Since the first Parliament of 1270, the post has evolved and developed into the rigorous and, some might say, stylised aspects of the governance of Britain. The advent of television has helped to make the functions of this office more clear and, of course, raised the profile of the individual who holds the office. The first female Speaker, Betty Boothroyd is now perhaps also the best known and can certainly be reckoned as one of the most effective holders of the post in modern times.

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