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"To where Fleet-ditch with disemboguing streams
Rolls the large tribute of dead dogs to Thames,
The King of Dykes ! Than whom no sluice of mud,
With deeper sable blots the silver flood.
'Here strip, my children ! Here at once leap in,
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And the most in love of dirt excel
Or dark dexterity of groping well."

-- Alexander Pope (Dunciad)

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The Queen's Physik VI
Posted by Bill McCann on (461 Reads)
The publication, for profit, of intimate details of the British Royal Family by their former servants is at least 350 years old. What may be the first example of this exploitation of "insider knowledge," was published in 1658 by a former servant of Henrietta Maria, Queen Consort to Charles I. The book details the "Receipts" – recipes for medicinal cures and favourite foods of the Royal Family – contained in the Queen's Closet. Some of the medicinal recipes are quackery indeed, and all the more interesting for that. In this instalment we have the recipe for the water of life and Dr. Atkinson's excellent perfume against the plague and Mr. provides us with a Pfecuous Water to revive the spirits!

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The Queen's Physik V
Posted by Bill McCann on (396 Reads)
The publication, for profit, of intimate details of the British Royal Family by their former servants is at least 350 years old. What may be the first example of this exploitation of "insider knowledge," was published in 1658 by a former servant of Henrietta Maria, Queen Consort to Charles I. The book details the "Receipts" – recipes for medicinal cures and favourite foods of the Royal Family – contained in the Queen's Closet. Some of the medicinal recipes are quackery indeed, and all the more interesting for that. We come at last to the recipes themselves. In this instalment we have cures for Dropsy as proved by the Lady Hobby, a swollen face and a sick body. The feature though, is the gruesome ***** Water for Consumption.

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The Queen's Physik IV
Posted by Bill McCann on (366 Reads)
The publication, for profit, of intimate details of the British Royal Family by their former servants is at least 350 years old. What may be the first example of this exploitation of "insider knowledge," was published in 1658 by a former servant of Henrietta Maria, Queen Consort to Charles I. The book details the "Receipts" – recipes for medicinal cures and favourite foods of the Royal Family – contained in the Queen's Closet. Some of the medicinal recipes are quackery indeed, and all the more interesting for that. We come at last to the recipes themselves. In this instalment we learn how to cure stuffing f the stomach and meet Dr. Bassa who specialised in breaking stones.

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The Queen's Physik III
Posted by Bill McCann on (365 Reads)
The publication, for profit, of intimate details of the British Royal Family by their former servants is at least 350 years old. What may be the first example of this exploitation of "insider knowledge," was published in 1658 by a former servant of Henrietta Maria, Queen Consort to Charles I. The book details the "Receipts" – recipes for medicinal cures and favourite foods of the Royal Family – contained in the Queen's Closet. Some of the medicinal recipes are quackery indeed, and all the more interesting for that. We come at last to the recipes themselves. In this instalment we have cures for the plague, small pox, consumption and melancholy, courtesy of Drs. Butler and Gifford. We also have an excellent Purging Ale from Dr.Butler!

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The Queen's Physik II (Index)
Posted by Bill McCann on (837 Reads)
The publication, for profit, of intimate details of the British Royal Family by their former servants is at least 350 years old. What may be the first example of this exploitation of "insider knowledge," was published in 1658 by a former servant of Henrietta Maria, Queen Consort to Charles I. The book details the "Receipts" – recipes for medicinal cures and favourite foods of the Royal Family – contained in the Queen's Closet. Some of the medicinal recipes are quackery indeed, and all the more interesting for that. In this serialisation, the spelling has been modernised to aid comprehension but the habit of always capitalising proper nouns has bee retained to add 'flavour' to the text. Our next instalment consists of a list of all of those who wrote or prescribed the remedies. They include the monarchs, Mary I, Edward VI, Elizabeth I, Charles I, courtiers such as Walter Raleigh and Francis bacon and a host of doctors, gentlemen and ladies of the court.

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